When to Consider Vaginoplasty

Your body goes through massive changes during pregnancy and childbirth. Your breasts, tummy, and skin have a new shape and texture, so imagine what happened to your skin and anatomy “down there.”
Fortunately, vaginoplasty offers a way to reverse some of the damage and rejuvenate your vaginal health. In 2018 alone, almost 13,000 women opted for vaginoplasty to regain form and function.
Dr. Melinda Miller-Thrasher and our team at Innovative Surgical Arts offer a closer look into how your vagina changes throughout pregnancy and childbirth to help you decide if a vaginoplasty is right for you.
Pregnancy, childbirth, and your vaginal health
The female reproductive system is a complex network of organs, muscles, fluids, bones, and hormones. During childbirth, they all mobilize to push, squeeze, and expel a baby through a relatively small opening in your body.
But the miracle of birth comes at a cost. During delivery, your vaginal tissue and skin stretch to accomodate the birthing process, which leaves you feeling lax and loose. Many women regain much of their vagina’s former elastcity, often with the help of kegel and pelvic floor exercises.
For others, it’s not as easy, and the lack of elasticity causes a variety of functional and cosmetic problems. That’s where vaginoplasty comes in.
A note on aging
The gradual effects of time can have just as much of an impact on your vaginal tissues as pregnancy and childbirth. Over time, your skin and tissues lose their structural proteins and your body goes through hormonal changes, both of which also contribute to lack of elasticity. Talk to us about your age-related vaginal health concerns to find out if vaginoplasty is right for you.
Vaginoplasty basics
Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure that tightens vaginal tissue and repairs vaginal muscle separation. During surgery, Dr. Miller-Thrasher carefully removes excess tissue and skin and restores damaged muscle.
We take the time to understand your health history and your vaginal health goals before recommending vaginoplasty or any of our other rejuvenation procedures. Vaginoplasty isn’t right for everyone, but there are a few problems that might make you a candidate. Here’s a closer look at when you should consider vaginoplasty.
You’re having functional issues
When your vaginal tissues have been stretched beyond their limits as they are during childbirth, they can lose much of their function. Some women have problems urinating, and others can’t keep a tampon in during their periods. After a vaginoplasty, you may have more control and improved function.
You’re not enjoying sex
Vaginal elasticity plays a large role in sensation during intercourse, and the stretching that happens during delivery can significantly impact your sexual experiences. Vaginoplasty effectively tightens your vagina, which may help you to enjoy sex the way you used to.
You’re concerned about appearance
In addition to the functional issues that come after your vagina loses its elasticity, loose vaginal skin and tissue are also cosmetic nightmares and can take a toll on your self-esteem. Dr. Miller-Thrasher removes the excess skin and can also perform a fat transfer to rejuvenate a deflated labia, making your vagina look and feel the way it did before you had kids.
If you’d like more information about vaginoplasty or you’re curious to see if it’s right for you, don’t hesitate to request an appointment online or over the phone at either of our offices in Smyrna or Atlanta, Georgia.
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